Saturday, October 15, 2011

OBF Resolution


WHEREAS Jerry and Cathie Edinger have ministered with the Ohio Bible Mission at Peniel
Bible Camp for the past 15 years; and

WHEREAS Jerry has found it necessary to seek a less physical line of work; and

WHEREAS the camp has grown in facilities and outreach during these years with Jerry acting
as the general contractor, as buildings were constructed, and joined in the actual construction;

WHEREAS at the same time Jerry kept up the responsibility of daily camp maintenance; and

WHEREAS Cathie worked in upgrading the grounds, maintaining the bookstore, and supporting
Jerry in whatever way she could in this service for the Lord; and

WHEREAS Jerry and Cathie treated the challenges as an opportunity to serve the Lord and
minister to God’s people as they attended to the many details of the camp;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members and delegates of the Ohio Bible
Fellowship meeting in our Fall Conference, October 14–15, 2011 in Morrow Bible Church,
Centerburg, Ohio, express our heartfelt gratitude to the Edingers for their dedication to our
camping ministry; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we pray for the Edingers as they move into a new phase of
their lives, seeking to continue serving their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Couples' Retreat 2011

Thirty-four couples - married between 2 months and 49 years - enjoyed a beautiful weekend at Peniel Bible Camp Friday-Saturday, October 7-8. Delicious meals, terrific weather, challenging messages, time spent together, activities and rest -- all made for a great retreat!

Autumn at Peniel Bible Camp
Game time after supper

After meal announcements

Friday night chapel

Chapel messages

Making Kettle Corn for the couples

Kettle Corn Friday night

Saturday activities:

Saturday morning devotions

Saturday morning

Saturday morning time together


Zipline on a fall afternoon

Enjoying a relaxing afternoon

Couples enjoying time together