Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Mother Daughter Retreat - June 26-27, 2009
The weather was perfect to enjoy the outdoor activities of camp – swimming, boating, the zip line. The first annual canoe race was so popular that there were two semi-final races before the final race which determined the winners of the Root Beer Floats!
The theme for this third annual Mother/Daughter Retreat was Abide in Me with John 15:4 as the theme verse. Amy Johnson from Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park, Michigan spoke three times. On Friday night she shared what she had gleaned from John 15 about bearing fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. On Saturday morning she spoke about a Woman Devoted to Prayer. In the final service Amy shared lessons from the life of Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon. Her sweet testimony and love for the Savior were evident as the ladies got to know her.
Thanks to all who worked hard to make this a special weekend for the moms and their daughters who attended!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pastors' Conference / Training Camp
New view upon arrival at camp...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Pastors' Conference 2009 - Day 1
Sunday, June 21, 2009
On your mark, get set...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Getting ready to start camp...
Did you ever get one of those vacation postcards that read something like this: “Having a great time. Too busy to write.” I think that’s the way we are feeling right now.
We have wanted to get a newsletter out for almost 2 months now, but… So, lest you think we’ve forgotten you, our faithful prayer warriors, we want to just update you a bit on what we’ve been doing to get ready for camp which, by the way, starts 8 days and 17 hours from now.
Registrations continue to arrive almost daily for summer camps and for the fall retreats. Youth Camp information goes out almost daily as well. Teen 1 Camp is already full with four on a waiting list.
We are praising the Lord for the provision of staff this year. Other than those few counselor positions in Teen II Camp not yet filled, we are looking at a full complement of summer staff. We have sent out staff information via email this year which, we trust, is a more efficient way to get information to our staff.
Menus are being tweaked and lists are being made. Melody Peeler, our Kitchen Superintendent, will be placing her initial summer food order next Wednesday. Then there are the boxes to be unpacked and food to be arranged in the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer as the kitchen is made ready for preparation of the first meal on the 22nd.
Thank the Lord for computers, the Internet, and copy machines. It seems like we’re buying reams of paper each week to put together camper and staff booklets. And then there’s the copying of all the other paperwork that goes into running a camp.
Jerry Edinger and his crew have installed new toilets in the main restrooms that will better service the needs of our campers. Major upgrades have been made to increase the overall water delivery. Bed rails have also been added to the upper bunks for the safety of our campers. Equipment has been upgraded so that the recordings of camp messages will now be available free of charge on the web. Farewell, cassette tapes.
Cathie Edinger has been stocking the Camp Store with camp clothing, Bibles, books, music, and all sorts of little doo-dads that the kids enjoy.
Whew! There’s so much that goes on behind the scenes to prepare for the summer camping ministry. We hope that all these efforts will result in many “happy campers” this summer!
We so much appreciate all those who have already been praying for the ministry of camp. We trust that campers will meet God face to face at Peniel Bible Camp this summer.
-Patti Perry