Saturday, December 22, 2012

VanderSchel December 2012 Update

Merry Christmas from the VanderSchel family 
at Peniel Bible Camp

 Isaiah 9:6- For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”

We’re so thankful for the opportunity to serve this Mighty God at Peniel Bible Camp!

Camp is a beautiful place in the winter time, although we’re all hoping for a bit more snow than we had our first winter here. Taking a walk around the property, you can see all the buildings through the bare trees that you normally can’t see during the spring and summer months. The lake has begun freezing in spots and has become a haven for dozens of geese.

Since our last newsletter, our kids have been given the opportunity to be enrolled at Northside Christian School. We are so grateful for the Christian education they’re receiving and for the fun extra-curricular activities they’ve been able to
take part in. The girls both played on the Junior High volleyball team this fall, and all three of them are looking forward to participating in future musical and dramatic programs. They’ve transitioned back into a regular classroom very well from the homeschooling that we had been doing.

Izaac and Kim are both still involved in off-camp activities that help us to meet folks in our rural area and introduce them to Peniel Bible Camp. Izaac refs basketball in the local public schools, and Kim substitute teaches. Many of these people we come in contact with have lived in Morrow County all their lives but never knew the camp existed. Our desire it to be salt and light in our community.

God has been so good to this ministry. We’re thankful for the partnership we have with our co-workers, Nathan and Nikki Fry. Many blessings from this past year here at the camp include: bookstore/snack shop remodel, donated woodworking equipment, youth cabin improvements, donated sound system for the entire camp, new roof/siding on main restroom building, introduction of FACE camp, newer ice cream machine,upgrade/repair of front dam, the donation of 2 golf carts, and the help of some dedicated work teams—just to name a few!

Although it’s time for the first snow to begin to fall here at Peniel, we’re already planning ahead for our upcoming camping season this spring and summer. Work is being done on the summer’s youth camp theme, research is being done to enhance and promote our new outdoor education program (FACE camp), an upgraded recreation area/ropes course is being installed, and new promotional materials are being designed.

If you’re looking for a place to rest, relax, and regroup this winter, consider renting a cozy A-frame cabin here at Peniel.  You’ll enjoy walking the trails around the lake or just keeping warm while you catch up on some reading. Contact us at if you are interested in more information.

Our family is so grateful for the gifts, support, and prayers of our friends and family this past year. As 2012 comes to a close, may we continue to be faithful to the work that God has called us to do in the New Year. He has truly done above and beyond all that we could ask or think.

Christmas blessings,
Izaac, Kim, Ashlyn, Brenna, and Carson

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