Spring is coming at Peniel Bible Camp! The snow has melted and with the warm days we've been having in central Ohio, we should see things greening up at camp soon.
The early registration deadline for the summer camps is coming up quickly. In order to save a few dollars, register before
April 1st. Camp brochures for summer camps are available in churches and on our website (http://www.obf.net/~peniel/PBCreg/index_files/pdf.htm). Fill out the registration form and mail with deposit to the camp Registrar.

The first activity for 2010 at the camp is CAMP CLEAN-UP, scheduled for Saturday, April 3 and Saturday, April 17. We have around 25 buildings that need to cleaned before the first camp scheduled at the end of April. Lots of work, to be sure, but enjoyable when working with family and friends.
Bring your cleaning supplies and a picnic lunch and see what early spring is like at Peniel. Join the team to clean.
Contact the Camp Superintendent (edinger@obf.net) to schedule a time to come and to get your cleaning assignment. Help prepare your camp for the 2010 camping season.

(Workers of all ages welcome!)