Springtime: flowers budding, birds singing, spring cleaning...
These lovely spring mornings turn thoughts to
Peniel Bible Camp. Have you ever been to camp in the spring? It looks different than it does in the summer. With the leaves just starting to come out on the trees and bushes, you can see right through the woods to the cabins, chapel, and back lake. A beautiful time to enjoy a day at camp.
How about this Saturday? Peniel Bible Camp relies upon volunteers to make camp happen. Volunteers staff our camping program. Volunteers give to the ministry. Volunteers clean and prepare the camp for use every spring.
There are 27 buildings that need to be cleaned in the next 10 days in order to be ready for the first camp of the season, the Father/Son Retreat on April 23-24. Would you help? There are jobs for young and old, jobs inside and outside. Bring along cleaning supplies (rags, cleaners, shop vacs, gloves, etc.) and a servant's heart and help us brush out the winter cobwebs and get things ready for another camping season at Peniel Bible Camp.

If you have any questions, contact Jerry Edinger at edinger@obf.net.
See YOU at camp on Saturday, April 17!

P.S. If you can't come on Saturday, but are available another day, just let Jerry know. We don't turn away willing workers!