What we've been up to lately: Rain, rain, go away! What a spring we've had! In April, we enjoyed Easter with Kim's family in Mansfield, and Carson took in his first Cleveland Indians game with his aunt and grandma. Ashlyn and Brenna were both awarded prizes in the Science Fair and are now practicing their first piano duet for the Spring Recital. It's exciting to watch our children use the talents and abilities God has given them for His service. Izaac finished directing his final play at Fayette Christian, Our Miss Brooks, and did a wonderful job once again. We're so thankful to be in the home stretch of the 2010/2011 school year! I'm not sure if the kids are more excited for summer break, or if we are!
Peniel Bible Camp: IT'S OFFICIAL!! We're thrilled to announce that the mission board has decided to allow us to become permanent residents of the camp this fall. Our support level is just about at 60%, and we're confident that the Lord will continue to bring in the necessary funds to be at full support within the year. We're very grateful to our supporting churches/individuals for this wonderful opportunity. We'll carry out the regular summer camping season as scheduled and make the permanent move in the fall. The Lord has been so good to us and has opened doors of opportunity above all that we could ask or think!
Prayer Requests:
- continued financial and prayer support of local churches
- sale of our home in Washington Court House
- smooth transition for our children
- wisdom for schooling decisions
Praise: several gifts have been received toward a new laptop! Thank you!
Camp Needs: - Funding is needed for the printing of staff t-shirts this summer. If you are able to meet this need, a special offering or donation would be greatly appreciated.
Presentation Schedule:
- June 19- Calvary Baptist Church (Findlay)
- Sept. 11- First Baptist Church (Berlin)
- Sept. 18- Wayside Chapel
- Oct. 30- Falls Berean Bible Church
To schedule a presentation or contact us regarding this ministry, please feel free to do so at
pdirector@obf.net. We'd love to hear from you!
See you on May 30th at the Memorial Day service at camp!
--The VanderSchels
Serving the Lord and Strengthening the Church by:
- enhancing the current camping program
- establishing new opportunities
- encouraging continued involvement
Ashlyn, Brenna, and Carson on Easter Sunday |