Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Junior 1 Camp - Wednesday review

Another great day at Junior 1 Camp. The storms moved out in the morning and the afternoon was very pleasant. The Lord is working in hearts through Pastor Kern's messages in the morning and evening chapel services. Tonight several indicated a need for salvation or a desire to take care of a known sin. Pray with us for the campers and counselors.

Our theme this year is of a political nature. We have two teams (parties) and two candidates. Bald Bill made his appearance last evening trying to gather votes. Tonight Bearded Bob came and gave his campaign speech. Tomorrow night we will have a State Dinner with Bob and Bill debating the issues. The kids love to chant "Bill" or "Bob" as they cheer for their teams.

Today's pictures include one of afternoon quiz time, our supper-time cookout, Bearded Bob's campaign stop, and evening chapel with Pastor Kern.

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