Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Don't Wait to Register Your Child for Camp This Summer...

Youth camp brochures were mailed out to all those young people who attended Peniel Bible Camp over the past 3 years. If you're interested in statistics, here they are:

Total number of brochures mailed out 2/13/12: 484

Number of brochure packets mailed: 334
        single brochures - 218
        sibling mailing (2 campers) - 87
        3 brochures to the same family - 24
        packets of 4 sibling brochures - 5
        (Families with 5 or more youth campers (2) were mailed in 2 separate packets)

Reminder: A $10 discount applies when multiple siblings register at the same time.

Early registration deadline: April 1, 2012

In April of last year we were surprised to find that several of our camps were just about full after the early registrations were received. Most of the families that ended up with campers on the early waiting list said that they had filled out the brochure when it was received in February but put off mailing it thinking they had plenty of time. A word to the wise: don't procrastinate and end up on a waiting list for this year!

Number of campers we mailed to:
        Junior 1 (4th grade only): 29
        Junior 2: 122
        Teen 1: 199
        Teen 2: 156
(Now we all realize that everyone of these campers won't be able to attend Peniel this year, but it's easy to see that the possibility of full camps does exist again this summer!)

Fill out your camper's registration form and mail it in TODAY!

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