The basic idea: hey, we "camp people" ought to get together and talk about camp...good idea! The basic idea was kicked around for several decades before the idea became a reality. In 2002, about 50 people (including nine from Peniel) got together for a fellowship at Camp CoBeAc. During those discussions, several folks mentioned how they "tweaked" a particular game or idea. Before long, everyone was sharing all kinds of "tweakage" they had tried. Some tweakage sounded like great ideas, and some made us glad we had not tried that tweakage personally.
Tweakage Rendezvous 5 will be held February 22-24 at Camp Ironwood in Newberry Springs, CA. This year they are expecting upwards of 180 camp people from 34 camps in four countries. Pray for Jerry and Cathie Edinger, Melody Peeler, Ken and Patti Perry, and Izaac and Kim VanderSchel as they fly to California for a profitable time of sharing with others serving in similar positions.
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