Friday, March 23, 2012

March Work Team Projects

Peniel Bible Camp was blessed the week of March 12-16 when a group of adults/teens came up from Beth Haven Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC to work at camp. The team arrived on Monday, unpacked their sleeping bags and duffel bags into the A-frame cabins, unloaded their tools, and got right to work.

During the week, they worked in the Snack Shop and Bookstore. They put up wallboard, framed windows and doorways, and painted.

In the Octagon, they reworked the windows, adding new glass and glaze, so they will so they can be opened more easily to get cross ventilation.

In the 8 large cabins, they hung light fixtures, added outlets by the mirrors and between each of the bunks, and built and hung new clotheslines on an outside wall.

 They repaired the doors on the boathouse, added gutters, and attached posts on the outside for hanging wet life jackets out to dry.

We thank the Lord for the good spirits of this team of workers, for safety while they worked, and for the lovely March weather that allowed them to get so much accomplished.

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