The Mother-Daughter Retreat is fast approaching. This is a time for moms and daughters to get away and spend some special time together having fun, being fed spiritually and being with other Christians at our beautiful camp. We had a great time last year and this year will be every bit as fun and encouraging.
I believe this retreat is especially valuable for a number of reasons. For one, this introduces the camp to future youth campers and their moms. What a great way to "get their feet wet" and find out what a wonderfu
l place Peniel is. Another reason is that this is a time to connect spiritually. Besides the services and the activities, we schedule time for mothers and daughters to spend time "alone-together" in God's Word and praying. That is something that probably never happens otherwise in most homes. Even if a family has family devotions, that is not the same as a time for just moms and daughters to have a Quiet Time. Of all the things we did last year at the retreat, I was the most thrilled with what I overheard during this time.
Our speaker is Faith Taylor from Simpsonville, South Carolina. Her theme is "That I May Know Him". On Friday night she will speak on what that means. On Saturday she will focus on what keeps us from knowing God and how to go about it. She has also prepared a Bible study on the characteristics of one who passionately purues knowing her God for mothers and daughters to use during their quiet time. We are excited about Faith’s ministry with us at this retreat.
Please pray for the retreat.
Nancy Gallion Director
Nancy Gallion Director
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