What's new at Peniel?
What’s new at camp? Well... there are several projects going on right now in preparation for the camping season. Bob Griffin has been working on repairs in the chapel. He fixed all the windows so they stay open. Dan Corey and Bob removed the outside siding from the front of the chapel, and repaired it. They are in the process this week of repairing the back wall of the chapel. A new coat of stain will help protect and improve the outside of the chapel.
The camp has purchased an industrial size outdoor LP grill. Mrs. Peeler has already t
ried it out and has added a number of new grilled entrees to our camp menus: chicken, hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob, smoked sausages, etc. She is hoping to grill out several times during each week of camp. (If you have a favorite recipe for the grill that would work well in large quantities, contact Melody.) A new deck is being constructed outside the camp kitchen for the grill. Several of our camps this summer will be designating their offering to help pay for this addition. The sand volleybal court is complete... I'll tell you more about that in another blog. - Patti
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