Time spent with God in the morning

Cabin reading God's Word together

Cabin's are cleaned up each morning

Tournaments: Boys' basketball

Tournaments: Girls playing Sand Volleyball

Hiking over to the Zip Line tower

Zipping down the Zip Line

Cabin activity: Canoeing across the lakes and back - for points!

Tuesday evening: the 2010 variation of the Slip 'n Slide

Wednesday evening's Picnic

After the hot dogs were roasted, they were garnished with chili sauce and served with chips, apples, veggies.

Marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers were passed out... but then the heaven's let loose with a deluge of rain and the soggy campers ran back to Ashbrook Hall.

This will be a memory-maker: "Remember the year we had a hot dog roast at the campfire circle... the time there was the boom of thunder and then it started pouring?"
No one was spared a drenching! However, 5 minutes later the sun was shining and the wet campers moved on to play a game of Big Ball out on the field.
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